Journaling my walk with God.

Journaling my walk with God.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A New Mindset


I arrived for choir rehearsal this past Sunday morning, still a little groggy, but excited to sing at all three services. After some prayer time, we were instructed to take our place on the risers for a quick run-through with the worship team. As the crescendo of the underscore began to fill the room, the lyrics were displayed in front of us. I remember staring at the words, and realizing that I'd soon be making a declaration in front of my church family. The song with which we were opening was called "Grateful". The lyrics begin, "This is the day, that You have made. whatever comes, I won't complain". I quickly realized that I'd soon be joining in with a chorus of people who are saying that no matter what happens that day, we will not complain. That is a scary declaration to make when the sun has hardly made an appearance over the horizon!
I left church that day, accepting the challenge that the Lord placed on my heart through that song. It was convicting to realize how lazy I've been in confronting this sin. Each day offers so many opportunities for complaining. Aches, pains, bills, broken appliances, a disagreement with my husband, clashes with other people's personalities, dealing with the short-comings of others, my family and myself, turning on the news, politics, stress, exhaustion, etc...the opportunities for complaining are truly innumerable. However, that also must mean that the opportunities for praise are even more so innumerable.

God has been teaching me over the past year or so about the power of gratitude. Just look up verses on "thanksgiving". God's Word tells us so much about a thankful heart. For example, in Psalms 69:30, we see that thanksgiving glorifies God. Psalms 100:4 tells us that through thanksgiving, we enter His courts. I receive the key to His beautiful presence when I am thankful! In Philippians 4:6, we see that thanksgiving is the anecdote for anxiety! In Nehemiah 11 and 12, it says that there were people who were in charge of thanksgiving! It reads as if that was their assignment or job! How cool is that? This shows me how important it is to choose gratitude.

I've been thinking about this a lot the past few days. It makes sense why gratitude is so important. If I get started talking about a subject, I have been known to step up on a soap box. Once I fan a tiny spark of complaint, it is only seconds before I have a blazing wildfire within me. I've noticed that the same thing happens with gratitude. When I choose to turn my focus toward my blessings, I begin to notice another blessing, then another, and it continues like that. Now, which one glorifies God? Which one brings me into His presence? Which one replaces my anxious thoughts?

I've learned just how much this is a CHOICE. Instead of complaining about the actions of a person, I'm in the process of learning to pray for them and let my frustrations inspire me to examine my own ways. Instead of complaining about bills, I'm learning to praise God for His provision of a job and learn to be a good steward of His provision of money. Instead of filling my brain with a constant feed of discouraging or scary things going on in the world, I can praise God for the good that is happening and I can choose to go out and be the good that I want to see happening. Instead of anxious thoughts, I can focus on my blessings and where my hope lies!
I will be honest, I'm a little sad that I'm this far into my walk with the Lord and I'm just learning to train my brain into this mindset. Sometimes complaining is more appealing than gratitude because I get to elevate myself and my opinions above things and even people that bring me frustration. Ouch! I don't like to see it that way in the middle of a complaint-fest, but that is what I'm doing when I focus my mind on grumbling. However, I'm learning what's more appealing is the honor of humbling myself and exalting God no matter what comes my way.

I asked God to help me change my ways. I asked Him to help me listen to my inner thoughts and not let them go unchecked. After all, words cannot come without first a thought. God's Word tells us that our words are an overflow of the heart. (Luke 6:45) I've asked God to begin that process of changing my words, which should change my thoughts, which will hopefully train my heart. I want my very nature to be one of gratitude and praise!

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